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We don't just hand out food, we empower families.

Our Mission

  • Services Provided
    Services Provided


  • Volunteer Hours
    Volunteer Hours


  • Program Participants
    Program Participants


We have the power to improve lives. Generosity has the ability to unite and heal our community in good times and bad. Together, we can heal.

News & Events

  • Weitz Family Foundation Logo
    Weitz Family Foundation Logo
  • Whispering Roots
    Whispering Roots
  • Lozier Foundation
    Lozier Foundation
  • Omaha Community Foundation
    Omaha Community Foundation
  • NCFF
  • Midlands Community Foundation
    Midlands Community Foundation
  • NonProfit Association of the Midlands
    NonProfit Association of the Midlands
  • Dollar Energy Fund
    Dollar Energy Fund