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Future Home of the Pantry - Capital Project

A Beacon of Hope

The Bellevue Pantry has been a beacon of hope for families in Sarpy County, providing far more than just food. Through their meal-based distribution model complete with recipe suggestions, they ensure households can turn the pantry items into hearty, nutritious meals. This thoughtful approach allows dignity to be maintained while also encouraging family mealtime - a crucial bonding experience.

But the pantry's impact extends far beyond just those who can visit in person. Their food delivery service opens up access to those who face transportation, mobility, or other barriers. No one in need gets left behind or forgotten when the pantry comes directly to their doorstep.

Now, this vital community resource is embarking on an exciting new chapter that will allow it to provide even more comprehensive services. With an upcoming move to the former Bellevue Public Library building at 1003 Lincoln Rd., the pantry will operate out of a larger facility that opens up amazing possibilities.

In this new space, clients will have more choices and selections available to them. But beyond expanded food offerings, innovative programming and supplemental services will be implemented to holistically address the root causes of food insecurity. From job skills training to nutrition education classes to social services counseling, the possibilities for wraparound support are endless.

This ambitious vision to fight hunger on multiple fronts simply would not be possible without the generosity of donors and community partners. Your donation provides the foundation for the Bellevue Pantry to not just hand out meals but to truly empower households. You are giving families a hand-up, not just a handout.

The path ahead is an inspiring one that will undoubtedly change lives and strengthen the fabric of the Bellevue and Sarpy County communities.